Wednesday, July 14, 2010

CAO Round A

Mature Students - if you have been offered a place via the CAO over the past week and wish to take your place remember today is the closing date for accepting your offer.

If you had been offered a place by a college prior to this and did not receive an offer from that college in this round don't panic, it may be that the college is waiting to have sight of results of any courses or exams you may have taken since your interview. If you received any results in the interim send through to the college as this will speed up the process for the college themselves and will help to ensure you get your place in the next round of offers (early August).

Monday, July 5, 2010

CAO Acceptance

Congratulations to all our clients who are moving on to Third Level. By now you should have made sure that you have placed the course you have been offered or wish to choose at the top of your list of course choices on the CAO.

Mature applicants should receive their acceptance slip (or an email from the CAO if they applied online) within the next week. Please keep an eye on your post and/or emails for this as although you may have received offers from the relevant college you MUST accept officially through the CAO, otherwise you will not get your place.

Feel free to get in touch with us if you are having any difficulties with this or do not hear from the CAO over the next week or two.