Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The CAO - Filling in the Form

The CAO Handbook
You should refer to the CAO handbook whether you are filling in the form on paper or online, it is a guide to assist you in the application process and reading it will help prevent any mistakes in your application.
We discussed in a previous post that you should do your research before applying and this will help you with filling in details on the CAO form.
Section 1
On both the online and paper versions the first page is mainly concerned with your personal details (name, address, etc).
You will also be asked whether you have a disability or specific learning disability. If you do it is important to tick the appropriate box. This will not put a college off your application AT ALL, in fact it is beneficial to include it as it allows the college to get supports in place for you prior to starting your college course. If you do indicate that you have a disability/specific learning disability you will need to complete the supplementary form and provide documentary evidence of this.

Special Categories
On the front page of the online form but on the third page of the paper form you select which categories you wish to be assessed on. As a Mature Applicant (over 23 on 01/01/10) you should tick Box F (paper version) or Box 8 (online version). This is VERY IMPORTANT as it will allow you to be assessed on the basis of your personal statement and interview rather than leaving cert/previous academic achievements.
If you previously did, or are currently doing, an NCVA/FETAC qualification you may be assessed on this basis AS WELL as being a mature applicant. If this is the case you need to tick Box D (paper version) or Box 2 / 3 (online version). Basically you get points for each grade you got in your FETAC qualification just as you would for leaving cert subjects and you compete against other FETAC applicants for places in the course(s) you are applying for.
Similarly if you did GCEs/GCSEs you can be assessed on the basis of those.
You may have to supply evidence of qualifications to the CAO.
If you apply on the basis of Special Category you may have to supply further information. Special Category applicants should refer to pages 13 and 14 of the CAO handbook for more information.
Further Details/Mature Section
This section is often referred to as the Personal Statement and is the most important part of the CAO form for a mature applicant. Details are given on Page 14 of the CAO handbook of what should be included in this section. On the paper form it is the Further Details box on page 4, whereas it is called the Mature Section in the online version. The difference between paper and online here is that on the paper version you are given a single box in which to include all your details whereas online you are given seperate boxes for each area the CAO recommend you include (for example Current Studies, Employment, Voluntary work). Further information in relation to the personal statement is available on our blog post on that topic.
Course Choices
Another REALLY important part of the CAO application is entering your course choices. You can enter up to ten Level 8 choices and up to ten Level 7/6 choices. You enter your choices in order of preference. You can change this order around at a later stage, this will be particularly important if you are offered a college place that was not originally your first choice but you do wish to take it. Some courses do not accept application on mature grounds, others have restricted entry, you need to check that the courses you are applying for accept mature applicants and whether they have any special requirements.
Later on in the year we will be posting about the college interview and the next step in the college application process.
Good Luck!

The CAO Form - Online v Paper

Whether you apply online or by paper is a matter of personal preference. There are some features of the online application which are particularly useful, not least the fact that you can log in and edit the form as many times as you like right up until the 1st February. However, you may feel more comfortable filling in the paper version.

It should be noted that you should not leave filling in the online form until the last minute as the system can get overloaded coming up to the closing date and you may not be able to access your account or your PC could crash. We keep saying it but BE PREPARED, do your research, check out your course choices and apply in good time for the 1st Feb.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

NUI Maynooth CAO video

Hi All

NUI Maynooth have published a video on their website which discusses the CAO application process, and also the whole experience of entering third level. While the main focus is on students entering directly from 2nd Level there is also a discussion which relates to the other entrance options such as Mature Applicants, FETAC and coming from a Higher Certificate in an IT so it may be of some interest to adults considering NUIM. They also discuss other practical points like the cost of entering Third level so in that sense would be of interest to everyone!

Click here and hit the play button and you will be able to view it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! I have no doubt it is hard getting back into the swing of things particularly with the snow and ice about the place!

Just a couple of quick reminders - Trinity College are holding their Mature Student Open Evening on Thursday 14th January from 4.30 - 7.30pm. As the CAO application date looms this would be a very good opportunity to chat to the mature student officer and course co-ordinators about your application.

Speaking of the CAO, keep an eye on this site as over the next couple of weeks we will post some hints, tips and advice in relation to applying as a mature student!