Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Holidays

Hi Everyone

I know a lot of you are in the throes of exams or handing in assignments but just a quick note to let you know that the laegis office will be closed from Friday 18th December until Tuesday 5th January (lucky us!)

I also want to remind you that the Guidance Counsellor(GC) will be on leave until 18th January which is very close to the CAO closing date so if anyone is considering applying and hasn't had a session with the GC they should get in touch as soon as possible to make an appointment (fill out the form on the right of this blog), particularly as there are only a few spaces left this week.

Here's wishing you and yours a very Happy (and hopefully relaxing!) Christmas and New Year.

SchoolTube - Internet Safety Carol

SchoolTube - Internet Safety Carol

Because Internet Safety is not just for kids!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Trinity College Open Day

Trinity's Open Day is being held next Wednesday, 9th December from 9.00am to 3.00pm. Attending Open Days is an essential part of your research into college courses.

Preparation for an Open Day is also very important. Qualifax has a great worksheet which helps you get the most out of your attendance at a college Open Day. Click here to view it.

10 Things to do before a Big Exam

Many learners are concerned about exams coming up. The following document may help.
Ten Things to Do Before A Big Exam to Get Them