Monday, November 30, 2009

CAO Information Session

Hi Everyone

It's time to start thinking about your applications for Third Level as the CAO application deadline looms (1st February closing date!)

We are holding a CAO Application Workshop for mature applicants in our Information Centre in Drogheda on Wednesday 9th December at 9.30am. If you would like to attend please fill in the appointment form on the right hand side of this page. (In the times and days space enter CAO 9th December).

Applying to Third Level - Individual College Applications

Hi all

Although the CAO is regarded as the 'be all and end all' of the Third Level application process mature applicants should note that certain colleges require you to complete their own application forms AS WELL as apply to the CAO. The following colleges have this requirement and are of interest to applicants in the North East:

Trinity College: The Trinity mature student's supplementary application form is regarded by some as being the most difficult, however if you have prepared properly and chosen your course wisely it is a great tool for getting across your abilities to the college prior to the interview process. Further details on applying to Trinity as a mature student are available here.

DCU: DCU's supplementary application form asks for similar information to that you will be putting on the CAO. Remember, however, that you should tailor your answers on the DCU form to the courses you are applying for in DCU. The college has just recently appointed a new Mature Student officer and further info on applying via this route is available here.

NUI Maynooth: Maynooth are really looking for your motivations for going to college on their form and evidence that you have really researched and prepared for returning to education/college. Maynooth have a reputation for being very mature student 'friendly' (they aim to have 20% of their full-time student population be matures by 2012). Further information on applying to Maynooth as a mature student available here.

All of the above colleges expect you to return their application forms to them by 1st February (the same as CAO).

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT): If you apply to DkIT through the CAO they will automatically send you out their supplementary application form. You should receive this in March. DkIT definitely shortlist candidates on the basis of this form so it needs to be filled out very carefully. They also require documentary evidence for any claims you may make on the form, for example if you state that you got particular results in your Junior Cert they will look for your official results, or if you state that you did work experience in a particular area they will look for proof of that. Further information available here.

St. Pat's & All Hallows: You can apply directly to the BA programmes in both these colleges as well as through the CAO. St. Pat's close their mature student application process on 2nd April while All Hallow's have an open application process. For further information in relation to St. Pat's click here. Further information in relation to All Hallows here.

In relation to ALL college applications it is essential that you carry out research before applying. So contact the Mature Student Officers, study the prospectus, use the internet and come and see us here in laegis to chat about your next steps!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

NUI Maynooth Open Day

Hi Everyone

More Open Days for you!

NUI Maynooth are having their Open Day(s) on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th November. Once again it really is well worth attending college open days even if you are only considering attending that college.

Maynooth have posted a schedule of talks that will be happening on the day on their website at While these talks will be more focused on school leavers they will also be of interest to the mature applicant. There is also a section for mature applicants on the open day schedule at

Gathering as much information as possible on courses that are of interest to you will not only help you to make your CAO choices but also assist you when it comes to the interview stages of the application process as you can demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched your choices.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

College/University Open Days

Hi Everyone

A couple of upcoming open days for your diaries!

  • DCU will be holding their open days on Friday 20th (10am to 3pm) and Saturday 21st November (11am to 2pm)
  • St. Pat's Drumcondra will have their open day on Saturday 21st November (10 - 3.30)
  • Marino Institute of Education will also have their open day on Saturday 21st November (11 - 4)

DCU has just launched a new degree in Psychology starting September 2010.

St. Pat's is a very 'mature student' friendly institution and both St. Pat's and DCU are convenient for learners travelling from Co. Louth. (Matthews buses stop within walking distance of both colleges).

If you are interested in Primary Teaching remember that you must fulfill minimum requirements in your Leaving Cert even if applying as a mature student. Get in touch with us for more information

Going to college open days is an essential part of your research into college courses as it allows you to get a feel for how long it will take you to travel to the college, what the college is like, the courses it provides and even an opportunity to speak to course co-ordinators.

Friday, November 13, 2009

College/University Presentations

Video recordings of the Mature Student Officer presentations given to VTOS are now available in the Guidance Information Centre (Drogheda) and on the Guidance PC (Dundalk). Headphones are available and it is possible to fast forward through the video if you wish to just focus on the section that is relevant to you.

All are welcome to call in and view them. These videos are very useful to those learners planning to apply to college through the CAO as each college has their own way of processing mature student applications.